Working Through the Colder Months: How to Stay Fighting Fit and Motivated!

Winter is almost upon us which means shorter days and colder weather, and for most of us commuting in the dark. Now that restrictions have eased and more and more workers are…

Winter is almost upon us which means shorter days and colder weather, and for most of us commuting in the dark. Now that restrictions have eased and more and more workers are heading back into the office, it is important to take note of how you can make this process as seamless and easy as possible.

Here are some tips that we here at Amicus have come up with to help you with this process:

Take hot drink breaks and have a hot lunch – we don’t know about you, but when you’re feeling cold there’s just something about eating a hot lunch or having a hot drink that warms your belly and brightens up your day. Try taking some hearty vegie soups to work to boost your immune system with those lovely nutrients!

Make an upbeat playlist – studies have shown that listening to music can do wonders for your mood and positive attitude. Try out making a playlist that will have you bobbing along to music that you listened to on a holiday or from a happy memory, it can make those cold days just fly by.

Protect yourself – whether its vaccinations, vitamins, juices or whatever floats your boat, a healthy immune system will help you fight those nasties that can spread so easily in office environments and public transport. Speak to your doctor about what might work best for you and come up with a combat plan.

Plan a holiday – having something to look forward to is widely known to improve motivation, something to be excited about and plan for to keep away those winter blues at bay! Trust us, it does wonders!

Dress appropriately – we know this one sounds like a no brainer, but the importance of a solid winter wardrobe will do wonders. There is nothing worse than feeling the cold sitting at your desk or having wet shoes from the rain. Plus, for those of you who haven’t been into the workplace in a while, it’s a great excuse to update your office wardrobe!

Exercise – a lot of people tend to stop their exercise routines in the winter months, however this is exactly the time to not stop. Exercise is known to boost energy and motivation levels, help your immune systems and is just generally good for you overall. This energy will help you get through the busy schedules, meetings and commutes.

Well-being – Looking after your mental health and well-being should always be a priority, however the colder months have been proven to impact mental health in some people such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Make sure to keep an eye on yourself and if you feel that you need help, reach out to the health professionals for advice on how best to get through these months.

So, for those that struggle in the colder months, keeping on top of the above tips could greatly improve your health and well-being and productivity. A few small changes and just like that, you will be through winter and seeing those beautiful spring flowers.


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